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北京雅思考点 | 国试大厦雅思纸笔考点考生入场须知


  北京雅思纸笔考考点有哪些?今天,说客英语整理了国试大厦雅思纸笔考点考生入场须知 ,请 各位考生仔细阅读。



  ·       到达考点:

  1.    您的笔试/口试考点位于北京市海淀区上地六街1号国试大厦,考生须从国试大厦东门进出考点。东门是考生进出考点的唯一入口,其他入口禁止出入。

  2.    车辆及送考、陪同人员不得进入考点,不得在考点外聚集或长时间逗留。

  3.    考生进入国试大厦雅思纸笔考点只限考试当日,其他时间不得以“熟悉考场”为由入内。

  4. 请考生预留足够的出行时间,避免因迟到导致不能正常参加考试。


  ·       证件要求:


  ·       到达时间提醒:



  纸笔考试:07:30AM开始入场, 08:30AM停止入场。

  ·       其他要求:






  Guoshi IELTS Paper-based Test Venue Admission Instructions for Test Takers

  Thank you for registering for the IELTS test at Guoshi IELTS Paper-based Test Venue. To ensure that you have a smooth and orderly test experience, please be aware of and comply with the following regulations. Your cooperation is appreciate.

   Arrive at the Test Venue:

  1.      Your Written test/Speaking test will take place at Guoshi Building, No.1 Shangdi Sixth Street, Haidian District, Beijing. Candidates are required to enter and leave the Test Venue through the east entrance of the Building.

  2.      Vehicles or escorts are not allowed to enter the test venue, nor are they allowed to gather or stay outside the Test Venue for a long time.

  3.      Access to Guoshi Test Venue is limited to the test day only. Test takers are not allowed to be admitted under the excuse of "being familiar with the examination room" at other times.

  4.      Please allow enough commuting time to avoid being late for the test.


   Identification Document Requirements:

  Candidates must bring the original and valid ID document and admission ticket that match the registration information to attend the test.

  Reminder of Arrival Time:

  Candidates must pay attention to the following times and allow enough time for entry inspection to avoid being late.

  Speaking test: Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the test, and the deadline for admission is 15 minutes before the test.

  Paper-based test: Entry starts at 07:30 AM, the entry deadline is 08:30 AM.

  Other Requirements:

  We recommend that candidates wear masks during the test to reduce the risk of respiratory disease transmission.

  Please keep a close eye on this notice before your test day as there will be no separate notice if there’s any further changes. Should you have any questions, please contact the Test Venue: helpline 010-61957900.

  We wish you success for your IELTS test!

  Guoshi IELTS Paper-based Test Venue

  April 25, 2023
